Royal Rangers Selangor #6

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Everybody wants to know...

Hey budds!

Sorry for the long absence...been busy at work these days, thus not much time to post anything at all! Nevertheless, thank God for the weekends. Couldn't have come at a better time, eh? Amen to that!

Anyway, just recapping what happened over the past weekend and the week before...well, we had our annual Cookarama and boy, it certainly was a blast! And the next question on everyone's mind is..."Who's the winner???" Patience my friends, patience...All will be revealed soon, I can assure you! If you wanna know the results, guess you'll have to wait for the next event, coming right to you next sun!

Yup...its the long awaited Council of Achievement 2007! Woo hooo...

Details as following:

Date: 6th May 2007
Time: 1.30pm
Venue: MPH2, Glad Tidings Klang

Light refreshments will be provided after the event! So dont just hurry off, eh?

So friends, this is one of the most exciting times for a rangers, to receive the recognition he/she deserves and to be honoured by their fellow rangers and commanders! And what a day its going to be....So dont miss it for the world! As explained, do come in your full uniforms and look really smart on that day, yea? Just like how you always have been...:) So let's come together as an outpost and give the support and encouragement that our fellow rangers deserve for their hardwork and effort!

Till the next post, God bless! Lotsa stuff happening in the month of May and June for RR. Will update you accordingly...till then, continue to enjoy the posts and God bless! We've finally reached 5000 page views in less than a year...thank you to all of you who have been contributing in one way or another to keep this blog alive!


Monday, April 23, 2007

Amazing Grace...

Hi friends..

Even as Good Friday and Easter Sunday has come and gone, the message of the cross will always be a part of our lives and the foundation of our Christian journey in this life. Even as I was browsing for some Christian videos, I stumbled upon this particularly amazing song and thought of sharing it with all of you. For those who remember, this song was performed excellently by Melvin and Daniel on Good Friday service '07.

God bless and enjoy the video...

Artist: Chris tomlin
Song: Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
Album: See The Morning

Amazing grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now i'm found
Was blind, but now I see

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour i first believed

My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood his mercy reigns
Unending love, amazing grace

The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures

The earth shall soon dissolve like snow
The sun forbear to shine
But God, who called me here belowwill be
Forever mine will be forever mine
You are forever mine

Friday, April 20, 2007

Sandwich Fiesta!

Sorry for the delay, friends. Got lost somewhere in translation over the week...and yes, for the story of the week...

And so it truly was a Sandwich Fiesta day! Every sandwich-loving creature and every sandwich ingredient out there would have been proud to have participated in such a celebrated day! To be honest friends...never have I known or seen such a craze and fuss stirred up over our usual everyday sandwich. But this day was to be on and you'll know what I mean!

After a quick briefing on the rules and regulations by Sr. Cmdr, everyone was frantically booking their favourite spots all over the church, rushing to gather all their ingredients, just to see who could come up with the craziest, whackiest, and yet pleasantly delightful sandwich of the day! As easy as it sounds, this ain't a stroll in the park, friends. There were a few items that the rangers had to think thoroughly before getting things started:

a) What type of sandwich? Seafood? Fruity-tutty? Red-meat? Raw meat? Vegetarian??? Ewwww!! Yea...some even actually thought of that!

b) Presentation, creativity and table setting! This year we thought of spicing things up and included in a couple of interesting twists to the competition...

c) Lastly, but most importantly...the taste! If it looks good, smells good, but taste like rubber chicken...what's the point???

So as you can see, the rangers have got work cut out for them. Apart from the pressure of losing (some very kiasu, you know?), they had only one hour to get things ready! So as expected...its was crazeeeee hour! There was frying, egg smashing, vege-slicing, fruit picking, ppl screaming orders and ppl going nuts all over...definitely a fun sight to see, especially looking at the younger ones doing things all by themselves! Under the watchful eye of their cmdrs, know la..definitely got some knife-wielding rangers and fire-starters all around! But hey, all part of the fun and excitement...its not everyday we get to prepare our very own super-sized sandwich with all those weird and interesting fillings...

While the Ranger Kids and their Cmdrs Eric, Grace, Shie Yee and Stephen and a couple of the Discovery Girls enjoyed the comfort of the air-conditioned room, the others were slogging it out in the heat of the day! Its a real good workout for some of 'em, I reckon! One group in particular was pretty secretive about their much so that they chose a secluded area to construct their sandwich! I was really starting to think that they were up to something no good...but hey, check out the pics later on! Awesome stuff by the Discovery Boys...I also realized that the entire MPH2 had this egg-like smell to it...all thanks to those cute lil' Ranger Kids...:)

As for the E-Rangers, same old story all over again...Their motto in life - No Thrills, No Fun. And that included last minute shopping and hunting for eggs! Some things will never change...Hmm...I'm beginning to wonder if they only thought about their recipe during morning service...:) But hey, in the turned out pretty well. Guess they function better under pressure! Bizarre Bear stole the show by adding in some Japanese touch to their creation...imagine this...Croissant bun stuffed with meat wrapped in seaweed! Wow...who on earth would even think of that???

The Adventure Rangers are always a very mysterious and peculiar bunch of rangers. They're at a stage in their life where they start to develop all sorts of philosophies and beliefs in life...and that even includes how to make a really interesting and creative sandwich... which at times was downright mysterious... but hey, the end product wasn't too bad eh? The pics will explain more...If was fun seeing them work as a patrol, doing things independantly, and running back to their beloved commanders whenever they hit a dead end. You all did well!

Well friends, I've got quite a number of pics for go ahead and enjoy the viewing!

The Elephants Unleashed patrol getting their fruitty sandwich done...there's like grapes, apples, kiwi fruit, and even some sphagetti in there!

And here we have Pei Jun from the Adventure Girls together with Cmdr Alison at the Chef's corner!

Man...that's a lot of cmdrs to watch over one ranger fry some eggs! Cmdr Laura with her one-eye look... favourite bunch! The Discovery Girls together with Cmdr Theresa and Lih Woon...they were quite a handful bunch, I'm telling you!

Bizarre Bear patrol with their fascinating sandwich and eye-catching decorations..which included lashing and ropecraft! Wow...amazing stuff guys...The weird part is the chipsmore...:)

The Adventure Boys decided to focus on taste rather than style...and it worked to their advantage to a certain extend!

These girls we're dying to get their hands on those delicious sandwiches! But hey...gotta wait till the judges had their share of the lot! And hopefully they survive...

Ahh yes...I remember that drink! Sparkling juice to go with the sandwich...excellent choice!

Not sure what's this all about...just some candid shot, I'm assuming! Su Vien with Cmdr Ali...

The Adventure Boys posing with their masterpieces. Well done, all did well!

Girls will be you can see from their exquisite choice of decoration! Its amazing how some simple decoration can make the sandwich feel like a star!

As you can see...creation by the Flaming Eagles patrol!

Wowww...the brains behind the awesome creation by the Ranger Kids! And also very responsible for the egg-smell in the hall and neighbouring countries...

There you have it! Now that's what I call true creativity! Haha...the Disc Boys with their very own version of the KL Twin Towers! And it even has a Skybridge! Not bad...not bad at all...

Final presentation from the Adventure Girls...all ready to meet the judges! there's something really exquisite! Not only does it look very romantic...its got this touch of class to it! Discovery Girls master creation!

Our ever faithful judge, Cmdr Suresh...who's got 4 stomachs made of cast iron! Miraculously, he survived years of food judging! Now that speaks volume of the quality of the food...and he seemed pretty impressed with the sandwiches too!

And here we have Lisa getting ready to proudly show off her creation, wearing those cute lil' green kitchen gloves!

You guys were wondering what was under that metal cover? Well, now you see it! All credit to the Sharketeers...

Errr...from the photo, I know this looks kinda' scary. But hey, in real life, it actually looked so much better!

Now that's really....? Something aint it? Definitely from the E-Rangers...

Councilmen Stewart Lim getting his fair share of the spoils...we hope to have him back again next year! Haha...

I'm telling you...look at this fella? While the judges were busy testing the food, this fella was already feasting...:)

Somehow, Amy looks kinda' kesian in the pic...its part of her natural behaviour...a tried and trusted method to gain those extra points! Haha...I aint falling for it this time, Amy!

Ahhhhh...its Barney's best friend - Elisa Lee!! Daugther of the legendary Elvis Lee...aka Cmdr. Gid! Hehe...

Yo yo...check out my stylo-milo sandwich-o! Kelly impersonating some Afro-American dude..

Nice pic...father and daughter! Welcome to the RR family, Elisa!

Taa daaaaa!!! And Phaik Joo lifts up the lid to the amusement of millions of adoring fans watching! I've always noticed this...when Shaun smiles, his eyes closes! Be careful when you're driving on the road next time joking or laughing while driving!

How do you even fit such a thing into your mouth??? Where do we even start???

In the end of the day, its thumbs up from Cmdr. Theresa!

Its been a truly fun-filled and crazy day for all of us. Tiring? You bet! And for the hundred over rangers who made it this year, it was a day to remember. Everyone did splendidly well, worked well as a patrol and lived by the motto 'live together, die together!' Sama-sama hidup, sama-sama profound eh! And yes, the next question on everyone's mind is...who's the winner?

Well friends, to find join us for our RR Council of Achievement happening on the 6th of May 2007 in MPH2.

Till then, God bless and have a great weekend ahead!

And btw, Shaun Lim...please return the Cookarama Challenge Sheild to me asap! Your 1-year reign is OVER! Haha...

Friday, April 13, 2007

Cookarama 2007!

Hello rangers, friends, and every mad chef out there!

Coming this Sun, all you aspiring chefs and food-crazy humans will be given a chance to savour the culinary expertise and creativity of our very own rangers in this year's edition of RR Sel #6 Cookarama! Its an outpost tradition we celebrate every year, and this year chosen theme is 'Sandwich Extravaganza!'... Let's not limit ourselves to the usual peanut butter, tuna, egg sandwich...instead let's go crazy this year! Think out of the box, friends! Think big, think creatively, and most of all..have fun!

Everything that you've dreamed off, craved for...its possible to have it in a sandwich! Here's some examples for those of you still scratching your heads for ingredient ideas...

How about this friends...have you ever seen one this BIG??? Respect...

Definitely a YES YES! Anyone care to try to recreate this dish???

Sandwich tower! Its possible, friends...

Definitely a big NO NO! We dont want the usual, everyday happy meal...

And for those of you out there who REALLY have no idea what to's one of my favourites! Was talking about it all weekend...

Presenting you my favourite Puppy Sandwich! Haha...With a really huge bread, some sauce, mayo, and vege...and of course the puppy...we're good to go! Oh btw, hard time finding a cute cuddly pup? Just give me a call...:)

So friends, we look forward to see ya this Sun, 15th April, in MPH2 at 1.30pm! Its gonna be a crazy, fun-filled day! Dont forget to come dressed in your chef outfit and bring along your table deco for the extra points. Remember, presentation counts! All are welcome to join in the fun...

See ya there and God blesssssss!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Futsal Mania...

The world of football is no stranger to countless stories of glories, great victories, and defeats between the greatest and fiercest of rivals, i.e. Liverpool vs Manchester United, AC Milan vs Inter Milan, Arsenal vs Totenhem Hotspurs, to name a few. Last weekend, we had our very own version of ESPN’s Super Sunday, when the Adventure Rangers and Expedition Rangers of Selangor #6 took on Selangor #7 in a game of futsal. Despite being a friendly match, make no mistake, friends. This game had it all…passion, commitment, dedication, pride and glory. Its was kinda’ like Manchester United taking on Arsenal…

The rangers got together in church as early as 8am on a Saturday morning, all ready to face the challenge ahead of them. After a quick briefing and light breakfast, we made our way to Stadium Sports Planet, Subang Jaya. As this was an away game for us, we knew we had to dig deep if we wanted to get something out of the game. Everyone was focused throughout the journey. Most were listening to their mp3 handphones, while some were deep in meditation (aka fast asleep).

Once we arrived, immediately Cmdr. Reuben got the Adventure Boys moving and started the warm-up session. It was awesome to see the together-ness of the team and the unity displayed even during the warm up. The boys were pumped up, ready for action and raring to go! The anxiety started to build up even as the opponents began to arrive. You could feel it in the air! After a quick team talk and strategy planning, we were ready to get the game started. Just to add, the E-rangers were too lazy to warm up…so they practically chilled and were plain cool…

Team line up for the Adventure Boys (white jersey):
Benson Lee, Jordan Yeap, David Yap, Bryan Lau, Yap Zhi Kai, Kok Foong, Leonard Chee, William Cham and Kendrick Sim

Team line up for the Expedition Rangers (black jersey):
Shaun 'Ferdinand' Lim, Kevin 'Vidic' Chin, Collin ' Vieira' Chin, Jarrod 'VDS' Phuan, Reuben 'Ronaldo' Ponniah, Eric 'John Terry' Teh, Daniel 'Henry' Raj, and Joshua 'Robben' Das

And so after 60 mins of adrenalin-pumping, heart-stopping action, here's the results:

Final Score:

Sel #6 Adventure Rangers vs Sel #7 Adventure Rangers : 6 - 7

Goal scorers:
William (4)
Benson (1)
Yap Zhi Kai (1)

Sel #6 Expedition Rangers vs Sel #7 Expedition Rangers : 20 - 9

Goal scorers:
Daniel Raj (10)
Collin Chin (3)
Joshua Das (2)
Reuben Ponniah (2)
Shaun Lim (2)
Own goal (1)

Well friends, what can I say ? You win some, you lose some. After all the pre-match talk and hype, in the end, its all about the handshakes, the pats on the back, the friends we’ve made, the joy in victory, the unity in defeat, and the very fact that everyone gave their all on the field, for the team. When we were down, together we rallied on another to stage an amazing comeback and to give the Sel #7 AR a run for their money. But it was not to be, this time around. Nevertheless, I’m proud of you boys. Each one of you played like a champion out there and made Sel #6 proud. We’ll arrange another match to give you boys the chance to change the scoreline!

As for the E-Rangers, normal service was carried out on the court. We had a game plan, we sticked to it, everyone did their part, and the game was wrapped up even before the final whistle. Great job, everyone! Despite this morale-boosting victory, let’s look forward to the next home game for us, in our very own Stadium Sports Planet, Shah Alam!

We’d like to dedicate the 25 goals scored by us to each one of you ranger and friends of Selangor #6, not forgetting the Chin brothers and Daniel Pua over in Aus, as well as Silas in the USA. And for the own goal scored, we’d like to dedicate it in honour of our biggest fan and cheerleader over there in Aus, Kevin Wong! Haha…here’s one for you, dude!

God bless and enjoy the pics!

Girls, better start getting those muscles moving…we’ve got something in store for you too! Comin’ soon…

The team looking all ready early in the morn...

The Adventure Boys getting themselves warmed up prior to kickoff...

Ok's how we do it. We'll use the diamond formation...ever heard of that? No? Neither have I. But it sounds cool...

Ok fighting, no punching, no calling each other names, and definitely no throwing shoes! The ref laying down the rules...

Scenes during the Adventure Rangers match...

The E-Rangers deciding how many strikers we'll need during the match...finally decided that 4 should be enough!

Scenes after the match. Good to see everyone in good spirits and looking in great shape!

Our Adventure Boys who gace everything for country, honour and outpost! You lads did well out there today...

The victorious E-Rangers team doin' the victory pose. Not sure what's up with Daniel and Jarrod...

Posing together with our biggest cheerleader and no. 1 fan!

Hope you all enjoyed the pics..

Man of the match: Daniel Raj. He showed what a class act he is by stealing chickens and also stealing countless goals to help secure a thumping victory! He also played an important role in setting up goals for his other team mates. Guess he got bored doin’ it all by his own, eh?

Moan of the match: Where’s the cheerleaders? With such an explosive match on the cards, do remind me to bring in more fans and spectators the next time around. Would have definitely added so much more the atmosphere. Nevertheless, well done to Cmdr. Laura for screaming her lungs out in support for me…erhmm.. I mean the team!

Chant of the match: When Collin did his usual “Referee KAYU!” chants…wasn’t too nice to hear it especially when you ARE the referee!

Food watch: Meru corner certainly served up some lovely Tao Sar Pau’s as well as the freshly steamed Siew Mai. Is that how we spell it? Well, it certainly kept us goin.

Face in the crowd: It was nice to see Cmdr. Theresa Teoh in the stands chanting and cheering for her boys during the match. Its always a pleasure meeting her…always is.

Verdict: Both teams showed the potential and determination, and I see them going the distance. I’d say a second fierce and explosive match is on the cards. Never rule out anything in football! Like someone wise once said, “In football, anything can happen. After all, the ball is round.” Well said.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Happy belated Birthday Cmdr. Lilian!

The Adventure Girls had a suprise birthday celebration for our beloved Cmdr Lilian on the 25th of March 2007. We definitely woke up her sleeping neighbours (2.30pm mar...) with our excessively loud singing of the Birthday Song at her gate! ;) Armed with a delicious fruity cake, we stormed our way in and surprised her with our presence and many many hugs. After a good time of catching up, countless photo taking and cake eating (yum!), it was time to leave. Cmdr. Alison represented us as she prayed a prayer of blessing over Cmdr. Lilian and her family :)

Cmdr, we just want you to know that we really appreciate you
and we can't wait to have you backkkkkk! :D

Happy Birthday cmdr!
And may God continue to use you to be an encouragement to other girls!
We love you!

With love,
Your Adventure Girls :)