Before I begin anything, allow me to say something here...for those of you going back to school today, have fun! Haha...for those of you starting college soon, stand firm on your principles and have a great time! For those of you who's working today (like me), haih....:(
Another year has passed, and a new one dawns. But before we take on the new year, let's recap a few incidences and events that happened at the closing of the year 2005. Let's begin with Christmas Day! For most of us, Christmas might have passed us by in a flash. Busy schedules, hectic year end, family commitments, church commitments...sometimes these things tend to make Christmas less meaningful for us as Christians, to the extend that we even forget the real meaning of Christmas. I really do hope that many of you out there actually took the time to reflect on God's love for sending us His best, and that's His son, Jesus. Many times, thru past experiences, I sometimes forget the real reason we as Christians celebrate Christmas. Sure enough, I got caught up with the 'Christmas' that the world has to offer. This applies not only to Christmas, but also in our daily lives. Do take some time off to sit back ad reflect on what God has done for you. Give God the glory, count your blessings and the number of times He's been there for us, and let God take control of your life...Your life could never be in a more secure place than in the hands of the One who created you!
Below are some picture on Christmas Day 2005 in church after the service! All I got to say is that...the girls are as usual, stunning and classy. The guys...well...not too bad looking though! Enough of me writing...enjoy the pics!

Huei Lin, Cheryl@motocar, and Cmdr. Laura

Woo ooh ohh...Kau Istimewa! Al and Hui Mei
Loud-speaker Gang showing off their Christmas goodies...very very nice wrappers! elegant as ever! Such a rare sight to see them looking as fine as this..hehe!
Finally...some cute guys! Shaun, Eric and Reubs...
The ladies with Brother Bear, Jon Raj!
Laura with Asher and Alice...i'm sure you're all wondering how come got so many pics of Laura rite? Well...wat to do...its her camera!
Laura together with Cheryl...check out da boots!! Woo hooo...
Huei Lin with...yup, you guessed it right...Laura!
Believe it, ppl...that's amy, alright!
Cute 'thorn' among the handsome male roses...
All smiles on Christmas Day...simply perfect...
Even the younger rangers were getting it on...Check out Marcus, Brandon and Lucas!
The Man from the land of sheeps...and lots of 'em! Crazy dude, eh?
Elisa and Laura...cute cute cute!!!
Amy proudly showing off the pirated stuff she bought for RM10!
Presenting you our mascot, ELENA!!! Just look at those lovely cute eyes belonging!!! Pretty mesmerizing...
The 'All Women Joint Action' Party...
Well, that's all for now. Hopefully more pics to come...keep a lookout for the next posting! Till then, God bless!
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