Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Survivor Series 2005 - Part 2
The Boss
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Ok...now that I have some time to spare, let's see if I can finish up this amazing tale known as 'Survivor Series'...as seen through the eyes of The Boss. Ok, here's the continuation of the amazing journey of 14 trainees on the journey of self-discovery...
12.00 pm : The 3 groups have been assigned their respective camping spots. Even the commanders have chosen their place. The girls we're pretty happy with the spot assigned to them...as it was on a relatively high ground, nearby a stream, safe distance from the smelly boys. They marked their territory by throwing their stuff all over the place...The guys we're even more creative. They marked their area by peeing all over the place. Typical guys' tactic. Well done, boys.
By this time, 80 percent of the girls said that they wanted to go home. They couldnt stand the leeches, the mud, and the jungle. However, all this was about to change...
12.30 pm : The girls have begun collecting firewood and materials needed to make their shelter...like wood, bamboo and vines. Things are progressing nicely for them. 6 of them make quite a team, I must say. Working hard and most importantly, working as a team.
As for the guys, no progress as of yet. Most of them are still wondering when will they be given the keys to their hotel rooms...trying to figure out what camp they actually signed up for...most of them looking lost and in need of counselling.
The leaders also got their construction project underway. Cutting and chopping up bamboo and wood to make a shelter big enough and worthy of admiration.
3.00 pm : The girls' shelter is complete. It looks good...a fantastic effort considering the fact that
all of them are first timers in Survival Camp. The shelter structure was made of bamboo and roofed with fern leafs. Good job, girls. Have a look at the photos. It looks good...just like 'em, girls!
As for the guys, not bad...things are going well. By now they have an IDEA of what they're supposed to do...and have begun collecting wood for fire and shelter. I noticed they kept looking over at the girls...trying to get some idea of what they're supposed to make.
The leader's shelter is up and ready for occupying. Looks good...as expected. Able to fit in all the campers and high enough for people to walk in and out without much hassle. To celebrate the successful construction, the leaders decided to have a house warming...by cooking chicken curry with rice for lunch. Mind you that this was a party for 3... just to add to the stress factor for the campers.
4.00 pm : The time has come to get down to business...its chicken-slaughtering time!!! For all the foul smell and suffering the chicken put us through...its time to get even. All the campers were armed with their survival knives...looking menacingly at the poor innocent birds. The campers took their chickens to the slaughter area, beside a stream. This is the time where men and women are separated from the boys and girls. Believe me, what happened next isn't child's play. Life was at stake. Dinner was at stake. There was no room for error...
Somehow I had this feeling that the chicken knew it was going to be slaughtered. After all, one of the 5 decided to commit suicide even before we had the chance to slaughter it. Most of them said it died due to suffocation. But I believe it died because it saw someone's face...
4.20 pm : The walk to the slaughter house was interesting...the campers were coming out with all sorts of methods of making the chicken's death less painful. Some suggested drowning the chicken. Some even said why not hit the chicken on the head till it faints, then cut off its head. One camper even suggested twisting its neck. Another suggested that we use the chicken to eat up the leeches, then cut its head off the next morning.
4.30 pm : First up...the boys. Most of them have never done this before in their lives. The idea was simple. One guy would hold the wings down firm, another would hold the head and pull, and the third would cut it off. Simple eh? haha...that's what we thought. When the first group tried to do it, they ended up sawing off the poor bird's head. All this thanks to their blunt survival knife. The chicken probably had to endure almost 30 seconds of head-sawing. And when it finally came off, what a relief. For the chicken, I mean...God rest it's soul. The term 'headless chicken' really made sense now...thumbs up for the guys that made it happen.
For the guys, it wasn't really a hassle. Most of them we're brave enough to do it. The fun part was when the girls tried to do it. When it came to Phaik Joo, Lisa and Cheryl's turn, it was them who ended up screaming all the way...instead of the chicken. As Phaik Joo was sawing off the chicken's head, her own head was turned away...screaming and sawing!!! What a sight...
Laura, Alison and Amy Joy too had a fun time. But maybe not as 'drama-queen-ish' as the previous girl's group. However, their chicken seems to be the most active and energetic off the 5. While having its head taken apart, the chicken was flapping furiously and causing all sorts of problems to the girls. A job well done by Alison for safely securing and making sure that the headless chic didn't go flying about.
All in all, great fun...moments in life to remember.
5.00 pm : Time to clean up the chicken...if you thought cutting off its head was bad, this is where it gets worse. The only good part about it was that the campers had a nice time trying to identify which organ is which. The liver, the heart, the kidneys, the lungs, the stomach, the intestines...biology class at its best! Cleaning up the chicken was a mess. Started off with the feathers...after some time of plucking the feathers, the campers got impatient and decided to skin the chicken! Healthier lifestyle, so they said. Girls and guys do things very differently...the girls decided to cut the chicken up into smaller pieces and wrapping it up with aluminium foil, while the boys resorted to roasting the whole bird. Oh by the way, after cleaning up the chicken, this is the part where Lup Yan began to feel nauseous and fainty....
6.30 pm : Campers tried to get their fire started...but all ended in vain. With a little help from above (intervention of the commanders), the campers managed to get their fire going and begun cooking their headless chicken. Oh, did I mention that we had some visitors during the camp? Yup...Collin, Daniel the Pua, Zhi Fung and Daniel the Iban decided to drop by to see how we were coping. Thanks for dropping by guys...and finishing up our food.
7.30 pm : Things were getting a bit dark by now. The campers were still working hard to keep their fire going. Remember, no fire...no dinner. Their dinner depended on it. Some resorted to burning cardboard boxes, burning their hair, and even burning wood from their shelter. But after cooking the chicken for more than an hour...all the hard work finally paid off. It's always nice to see rangers sitting around a campfire...sharing their dinner together...telling stories of the day...laughing and smiling after a long day's work.
As for the leaders, we too deserved our share of pampering after a hard day's work of helping out the trainees and motivating them mentally! Tonight was going to be a feast for us leaders. Spaghetti with mushrooms and pasta sauce cooked over a campfire? Impossible you think? We made it possible....a lovely dinner to top off a perfect day. The weather so far has been superb. I honestly believe that God held back the rain for almost 2 days just for us to have a awesome camp....
9.00 pm : After freshening up and cleaning ourselves, the leaders decided to do something special for the night. For the first time ever in a survival camp, there was a council fire for the campers. The purpose of this special councilfire was get the campers together, sit around the fire and fellowship with one another as a family of rangers. We had a time of sharing, talking about what went wrong and what went right throughout the day...helping out one another and giving each other moral support. I dont know about the rest...but in the dark of the night, in the chill of the lonely forest, sitting in front of a campfire gave me a sense of hope...a sense of assurance that everything's gonna be alright. There was something special about it...a comforting presence...
From this point, Cmdr. Reuben felt that it was a perfect time for the Expedition Rangers to get together to pray for the needs that were in our hearts. The rangers prayed for one another, imparting blessings into the life of their fellow rangers, and then we prayed also for 2 specific individuals that had a very special need for God's touch in their life. That night, God came and visited us. Its not as though His presence wasn't with us throughout the beginning of the camp...but that night when we began worshipping God, I just felt his presence so strong in that place...the place where we were standing. I knew God was there. Its a feeling that cant be put into words...but something that needed to be experienced. The prayer session ended with a prayer by the outpost commander, who prayed over each ranger. Truly, something happened in that place that night...
10.30 pm : The rangers continued to hang about the leader's shelter. To them, this is as close as they'll be to a 5-star resort in the jungle. They continued to cook their chicken and potatoes using the councilfire...talking and laughing the whole night through. It was just a great time of fellowship. At this point, 2 rangers (Daniel and Shaun) decided to act macho by wandering off to a nearby shelter, leaving the rest behind. They attempted to re-act the legendary 'bird throwing stone' scene of past survival camps...but failed miserably as no one fell for their lame attempts. Better luck next time, dudes. The only thing that kept us on our guard was the stories of wild boars being around that area...just to note, the camp management had told us that wild boars are quite common around this area and that they would sometimes attack humans.
12.30 am : Things are beginning to quiten down a bit. Even the non-stop-talking Phaik Joo went silent for about 5 mins. A sign that she was human after all. Everyone decided to call it a night and after much deliberation by the commanders, they allowed the campers to stay together in a common area...purely for safety purposes.
And what was about to happen next, I'll save it for the final episode of Survivor Series 2005 - Part 3! Do catch the ending of this amazing journey, hopefully by tomorrow afternoon. Till then, God bless!

Survivor Series 2005 - Part 1
The Boss
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Nov 25th - 26th 2005, Survival Camp 2005! What a truly amazing survival camp this turned out to be! For those of you who missed it...pity...what a pity...for those of you who made it to the camp, well done lads....Anyway, just for the sake of those who missed it, for the next few days, this blog is gonna be filled with survival camp stories and photos, just to give the rest a feel of what's it like being out there. Nevertheless, always remember that no story or picture could ever compare to actually being there for the camp! Here's a detail log of the journey of 14 survivors, 3 survival camp veterans, and 5 feathered friends which we call DINNER!
The list of Survivors :
1) Amy Joy Tan @ Mary's Lamb
2) Lisa Lee Hui Lin @ The Terminator
3) Saw Phaik Joo @ The Mouth, The Noise, The Loud-speaker, Power-Amp
4) Alison Seow @ Meanie Mee
5) Laura Yee @ Jungle Queen
6) Cheryl Lim @ Engine Starter, starter-rosak
7) Kevin Chin @ The Second-Chance Man
8) Daniel Raj @ The Darkness, Invisible Man
9) Simon @ The Scout
10) Joshua Das @ Silent Killer, Invisible Man 2
11) Chee Lup Yan @ The Seaweed Nut, Mr Vitamin C
12) Andrew Yew @ Mr. Hailer, Alarm Clock
13) William Ong @ Karate Kid
14) Shaun Lim @ 2 timer, Mr Sepet
The Survivor Camp Veterans...
1) Cmdr Reuben @ The Brain
2) Cmdr Kenny @ Bob The Builder
3) Cmdr Jeffrey @ Rambo, The Terrorist, The Bomber, One-Man Army
The 5 feathered friends...
5 whitish-brownish chickens who smell as bad as they look.
Ok...now that you know who's who...and I'm sure by now you've probably heard many stories of what happened in the camp...read below to find out what REALLY happened...as seen through the eyes of The Boss.
7.50am : The Boss arrives in church with the Darkness and Silent Killer. Goes over to uncle Cephas' house to ask for the van key. A very scary moment...got the keys without much hassle. Mission accomplished.
8.00am : Cmdr. Kenny arrives with a load of campers. He unloads something from his car that really smells. The smell travelled as far as Bayu Perdana and Kapar. Malaysian Meteorological Dept reports that the API (air Pollution Index) rose from 80 to 450 (hazardous) in a matter of minutes. The cause? 5 chickens...which look like they really needed a bath.
8.15am : 15 out of the 17 campers are already in church. Waiting for the other 2 Charlie's angels who were caught in jam. After much prayer, they (Cheryl and Hui Lin) finally arrived.
8.30am : Loaded all the campers into the van and the oldies into the car. A moment to remember...Cmdr. Reuben's first time driving a van and cmdr. Kenny's first time driving Cmdr. Reuben's car. The van...not bad. Its the closest thing to actually driving a bus. Those in the van had a good time getting to know the chicken better and they eventually smell the same as the chickens. Lovely...
8.45 am : Went for breakfast at Restoran I Love You mamak in BBK. What a cheesy name. Had their last 'civilized' meal before facing the challenge ahead of them. Everyone's spirit was high and there was a sense of excitement in the air. The restaurant's toilet was crowded that morn. Everyone was rushing to use it...something they might miss over the next couple of days. Some even left farewell messages in the loo...
9.30 am : The journey began. After saying a prayer for safe journey, we were on our way to KKB. Along the way, the usual stuff happened. Campers disturbing the toll ladies...disturbing other road users...lup yan talking nonsense...lup yan talking to the chicken...chickens trying to commit suicide after seeing Lup Yan's face...Daniel Raj needing to go to toilet every 5 mins...
10.30 am : Reached Batu Dam. What a beautiful sight! Keep a lookout for picture of the dam. Took lots of photos. Girls as usual trying to be vain.
10.45 am : Reached Laman Bistari, KKB. Campers unloaded the stuff from the van. After a short briefing from the commanders, a survival kit check was conducted. At this point, any unauthorized item was confiscated. For example, Lup Yan brought along soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, seaweed, vitamins, cooking stove, a small tent, umbrella, junk food, chicken food...which were ALL illegal. What he was SUPPOSED to bring, he didn't bring. Like aluminium foil, matchbox. And oh...he did bring along raincoat which came together with colour pencils... :) As for the girls, many of them were honest and brought only what they wre allowed to bring. But a few of them resorted to hiding stuff in certain places...
11.00 am : Made our way into the camp grounds. Cmdr Kenny gave a briefing on how to handle the chicken...as in how to sweet talk the chicken before cutting off its head, how to pluck feathers, how to clean it's inside, and how to prepare it for cooking. Hearing about it is one thing...doing it is another, as you'll find out later on.
11.15 am : Started the walk into the jungle to find a spot to camp. We didn't know that the campsite management actually prepared a welcome party for the 17 of us. They got the whole army of leeches, starving and hungry for human blood, to greet us as we entered the jungle. Most of the campers had no idea what a leech is...but as usual, most of them resorted to screaming at the top of their lungs when a leech got onto their feet...instead of removing it. Fat ones, skinny ones, long ones, short ones...they were there waiting for us. The campers had a great time getting to know them.
11.40 am : Found the spot the camp on. The campers were placed at locations nearby each other. As this place is known for its notorious wild boars, staying nearby one another seems a good idea. Even the leaders decided not to use the tents they brought along...but instead decided to build their own shelter, to show the campers why they're called Commanders. Campers were split into 3 groups. The bonus prize of Lup Yan was awarded to Daniel Raj and Andrew Yew. Clap clap! From this point onwards, the real fun begins.
For the next part of Survivor Series 2005, pls check this site later in the evening. Right now I'm supposed to be working. Gtg now. Boss around the corner! God bless...
The list of Survivors :
1) Amy Joy Tan @ Mary's Lamb
2) Lisa Lee Hui Lin @ The Terminator
3) Saw Phaik Joo @ The Mouth, The Noise, The Loud-speaker, Power-Amp
4) Alison Seow @ Meanie Mee
5) Laura Yee @ Jungle Queen
6) Cheryl Lim @ Engine Starter, starter-rosak
7) Kevin Chin @ The Second-Chance Man
8) Daniel Raj @ The Darkness, Invisible Man
9) Simon @ The Scout
10) Joshua Das @ Silent Killer, Invisible Man 2
11) Chee Lup Yan @ The Seaweed Nut, Mr Vitamin C
12) Andrew Yew @ Mr. Hailer, Alarm Clock
13) William Ong @ Karate Kid
14) Shaun Lim @ 2 timer, Mr Sepet
The Survivor Camp Veterans...
1) Cmdr Reuben @ The Brain
2) Cmdr Kenny @ Bob The Builder
3) Cmdr Jeffrey @ Rambo, The Terrorist, The Bomber, One-Man Army
The 5 feathered friends...
5 whitish-brownish chickens who smell as bad as they look.
Ok...now that you know who's who...and I'm sure by now you've probably heard many stories of what happened in the camp...read below to find out what REALLY happened...as seen through the eyes of The Boss.
7.50am : The Boss arrives in church with the Darkness and Silent Killer. Goes over to uncle Cephas' house to ask for the van key. A very scary moment...got the keys without much hassle. Mission accomplished.
8.00am : Cmdr. Kenny arrives with a load of campers. He unloads something from his car that really smells. The smell travelled as far as Bayu Perdana and Kapar. Malaysian Meteorological Dept reports that the API (air Pollution Index) rose from 80 to 450 (hazardous) in a matter of minutes. The cause? 5 chickens...which look like they really needed a bath.
8.15am : 15 out of the 17 campers are already in church. Waiting for the other 2 Charlie's angels who were caught in jam. After much prayer, they (Cheryl and Hui Lin) finally arrived.
8.30am : Loaded all the campers into the van and the oldies into the car. A moment to remember...Cmdr. Reuben's first time driving a van and cmdr. Kenny's first time driving Cmdr. Reuben's car. The van...not bad. Its the closest thing to actually driving a bus. Those in the van had a good time getting to know the chicken better and they eventually smell the same as the chickens. Lovely...
8.45 am : Went for breakfast at Restoran I Love You mamak in BBK. What a cheesy name. Had their last 'civilized' meal before facing the challenge ahead of them. Everyone's spirit was high and there was a sense of excitement in the air. The restaurant's toilet was crowded that morn. Everyone was rushing to use it...something they might miss over the next couple of days. Some even left farewell messages in the loo...
9.30 am : The journey began. After saying a prayer for safe journey, we were on our way to KKB. Along the way, the usual stuff happened. Campers disturbing the toll ladies...disturbing other road users...lup yan talking nonsense...lup yan talking to the chicken...chickens trying to commit suicide after seeing Lup Yan's face...Daniel Raj needing to go to toilet every 5 mins...
10.30 am : Reached Batu Dam. What a beautiful sight! Keep a lookout for picture of the dam. Took lots of photos. Girls as usual trying to be vain.
10.45 am : Reached Laman Bistari, KKB. Campers unloaded the stuff from the van. After a short briefing from the commanders, a survival kit check was conducted. At this point, any unauthorized item was confiscated. For example, Lup Yan brought along soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, seaweed, vitamins, cooking stove, a small tent, umbrella, junk food, chicken food...which were ALL illegal. What he was SUPPOSED to bring, he didn't bring. Like aluminium foil, matchbox. And oh...he did bring along raincoat which came together with colour pencils... :) As for the girls, many of them were honest and brought only what they wre allowed to bring. But a few of them resorted to hiding stuff in certain places...
11.00 am : Made our way into the camp grounds. Cmdr Kenny gave a briefing on how to handle the chicken...as in how to sweet talk the chicken before cutting off its head, how to pluck feathers, how to clean it's inside, and how to prepare it for cooking. Hearing about it is one thing...doing it is another, as you'll find out later on.
11.15 am : Started the walk into the jungle to find a spot to camp. We didn't know that the campsite management actually prepared a welcome party for the 17 of us. They got the whole army of leeches, starving and hungry for human blood, to greet us as we entered the jungle. Most of the campers had no idea what a leech is...but as usual, most of them resorted to screaming at the top of their lungs when a leech got onto their feet...instead of removing it. Fat ones, skinny ones, long ones, short ones...they were there waiting for us. The campers had a great time getting to know them.
11.40 am : Found the spot the camp on. The campers were placed at locations nearby each other. As this place is known for its notorious wild boars, staying nearby one another seems a good idea. Even the leaders decided not to use the tents they brought along...but instead decided to build their own shelter, to show the campers why they're called Commanders. Campers were split into 3 groups. The bonus prize of Lup Yan was awarded to Daniel Raj and Andrew Yew. Clap clap! From this point onwards, the real fun begins.
For the next part of Survivor Series 2005, pls check this site later in the evening. Right now I'm supposed to be working. Gtg now. Boss around the corner! God bless...
Thursday, November 24, 2005
2 days to go!
The Boss
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Hey ya guys! My apologies for not updating the site for the past few days...been busy with work...taking care of the kids...entertaining Lup Yan....the usual stuff. Anyway, E-rangers...listen up! SURVIVAL CAMP is less than 2 days away!!! I'm sure these are exciting time, eh?
This is a friendly reminder....pls take note of the details below :
1) You MUST bring everything stated in the list. Your life depends on those items! :) If you dont have the list...make sure to call your commanders!
2) Be in church this friday (25th Nov) at 8.00am sharp. Please make sure you guys have enough sleep the night before. Dont let me catch you guys chatting online at 4.00am in da morning! Sleep is VERY important. Why? You'll find out soon enough.
3) Dont let anyone tell you tales of the hotel that we're staying in for the survival camp. Just to add...Lup Yan kept asking me about the toilet facilities for the survival camp...and I told him, "Its all around you..." Go figure.
4) One important msg...Do not at any given moment try to play 'hide and seek' in the jungle at night. Not only is it dangerous and that you might get lost..but its unfair as some of our fellow rangers have a natural camouflage and cant be seen at night...:)
5) Be prepared to go the limits, do things you never thought you'd do in this lifetime, eat stuff you never thought could be eaten...and most of all...enjoy nature and live your life totally dependant on God and what the jungle has to offer you! :)
Its gonna be great...!!! So gear yourselves up, and prepare yourself for an adventure! Believe me...its gonna be amazing! God bless...
This is a friendly reminder....pls take note of the details below :
1) You MUST bring everything stated in the list. Your life depends on those items! :) If you dont have the list...make sure to call your commanders!
2) Be in church this friday (25th Nov) at 8.00am sharp. Please make sure you guys have enough sleep the night before. Dont let me catch you guys chatting online at 4.00am in da morning! Sleep is VERY important. Why? You'll find out soon enough.
3) Dont let anyone tell you tales of the hotel that we're staying in for the survival camp. Just to add...Lup Yan kept asking me about the toilet facilities for the survival camp...and I told him, "Its all around you..." Go figure.
4) One important msg...Do not at any given moment try to play 'hide and seek' in the jungle at night. Not only is it dangerous and that you might get lost..but its unfair as some of our fellow rangers have a natural camouflage and cant be seen at night...:)
5) Be prepared to go the limits, do things you never thought you'd do in this lifetime, eat stuff you never thought could be eaten...and most of all...enjoy nature and live your life totally dependant on God and what the jungle has to offer you! :)
Its gonna be great...!!! So gear yourselves up, and prepare yourself for an adventure! Believe me...its gonna be amazing! God bless...
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Monthly Highlights - Dec 2005
The Boss
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Hey ya ppl! How's the week been so far? Great to see that you guys are actually taking time to read the articles and leaving messages in the chat box. But I need to stress something here...please please do keep our dear brother 'Edmund' the Chee Lup Yan in prayer. Whenever a guy starts talking about being friends with Bigfoot...and inviting Bigfoot to our Rangers meeting...you know we need to pray! I'm actually kinda' worried about having him with us for Survival camp...I dont know why....maybe its because of the cow story he mentioned. Very very disturbing...
Well, looking ahead to the month of December, believe me guys...its gonna be a month to remember! Here's basically what's gonna happen ...
Dec 6th - 13th : RR & YA! Mission Trip To Sarawak
Dec 17th - 21st : Christmas caroling (any volunteers for Santa Claus and his raindeers?)
Dec 18th : RR Christmas Party!
Dec ?? - YA! Christmas Dinner (keep a lookout for more info)
Dec 25th - Christmas Day
Dec 26th - 29th : YA! Annual Youth Camp...Woo hoo!!! check out leakout.blogspot.com for more info
Dec 31st - YA! High Tea and Watchnight Service!
I guess that's pretty much what's gonna happen in Dec. Any upcoming birthdays? Do let me know ok.
Just a reminder...if you guys wish to post anything in this site...e.g funny pictures or photos, articles or stories about your life, your phone humber....anything...just let me know!
God bless!
Well, looking ahead to the month of December, believe me guys...its gonna be a month to remember! Here's basically what's gonna happen ...
Dec 6th - 13th : RR & YA! Mission Trip To Sarawak
Dec 17th - 21st : Christmas caroling (any volunteers for Santa Claus and his raindeers?)
Dec 18th : RR Christmas Party!
Dec ?? - YA! Christmas Dinner (keep a lookout for more info)
Dec 25th - Christmas Day
Dec 26th - 29th : YA! Annual Youth Camp...Woo hoo!!! check out leakout.blogspot.com for more info
Dec 31st - YA! High Tea and Watchnight Service!
I guess that's pretty much what's gonna happen in Dec. Any upcoming birthdays? Do let me know ok.
Just a reminder...if you guys wish to post anything in this site...e.g funny pictures or photos, articles or stories about your life, your phone humber....anything...just let me know!
God bless!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Speak And Do!
The Boss
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The wisdom that is from above is . . . without hypocrisy. �James 3:17
In ancient Greek dramas, a person behind a curtain spoke the lines while the performer on stage acted out the role. We might refer to the speaker behind the scenes as one who didn't "practice what he preached."
This person behind the curtain reminds me of a problem we as Christians experience today. Many of us are skilled at sounding religious, but we don't put our words into action. This is hypocrisy. When there is a discrepancy between what we say and what we do, we create confusion in the minds of our "audience." That's why many nonbelievers do not take the gospel message seriously.
In ancient Greek dramas, a person behind a curtain spoke the lines while the performer on stage acted out the role. We might refer to the speaker behind the scenes as one who didn't "practice what he preached."
This person behind the curtain reminds me of a problem we as Christians experience today. Many of us are skilled at sounding religious, but we don't put our words into action. This is hypocrisy. When there is a discrepancy between what we say and what we do, we create confusion in the minds of our "audience." That's why many nonbelievers do not take the gospel message seriously.
A Christian who makes the greatest impact on a watching world, and who furthers the cause of Christ, is one whose actions harmonize with his words. When James spoke of the "wisdom that is from above," he described it as "pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy" (James 3:17).
Our role as Christians is vastly different from the ancient Greek actors. They had speakers who didn't do, and doers who didn't speak. We are to be people who speak and do the truth.
Have a great day ahead, my fellow rangers and friends. God bless!
Announcement - SURVIVAL CAMP!
The Boss
Yup! Its back again...the 6th edition of Royal Rangers Survival Camp!!! For those of you who have absolutely no idea about what I'm talking about...I guess you need to be there! Before I carry on further elaborating about this camp...here's wat you need to know.
Date : 25th-26th Nov 2005
Venue : Laman Bistari, KKB
Cost : RM20.00 only!!!
What to bring : Nothing!!! (even better!)
Here's the Q&A section that might be useful for those still blinking...*blink*blink*
Q: What is a survival camp?
A: Its a camp where we teach you how to survive a night in the jungle, without all the luxuries that life has to offer, train you to be a less complicated person, and teach you to be more resourceful and thankful for all that you've been blessed with in this life.
Q: What do I have to bring for this camp?
A: Firstly, yourself. Secondly, the will to survive. Third, patience...and lots of it. Fourth, a survival kit...Fifth, a never-say-die attitude.
Q: What will we do there during the camp?
A: Survive. You think its that easy? Haha...ask those who has been to a survival camp before this. You will have to make your own shelter using whatever nature has to offer. next, you will have to gather sufficient firewood to ensure that your fire will last through the night...this is vital as your dinner depends on it. :) You will also have to learn how to prepare your own dinner...this wont be as easy as you think...because your 'dinner' involves something that is alive, something that will run, and something that can fly...
Q: What can I NOT bring?
A: This is easy...do not bring your mattress, pillow, junkfood, playstation, TV, fridge, CD player, I-Pod, SPM books, football, snooker table, mum, dad, grandmas, grandpas, pets, uncles and aunties, your pet fish, computer, guitar, piano, keyboard, drums, saxaphone, burger stall....etc..etc...you get the picture.
Q: What do I have to do if I want to go?
A: First, get the permission form from either Cmdr. Reuben or Cmdr. Kenny, fill it up and get your parent's permission, and pass the form back to them by the 25th of Nov, together with RM20.
Q: It sounds like a really tough and difficult camp. Will I even enjoy it?
A: Trust me...NO ONE has ever regretted going for a survival camp. And NO ONE has ever said the camp was boring. The experience gained and survival camp stories will last a lifetime!
Q: Is it safe to go for it? Are there like lions and tigers roaming the forest? Sharks in the river?
A: There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of...except for the person you're staying with....who might irritate the life out of you! :) There is also a high chance that your shelter will collapse on you during the night, if not done properly. Apart from the usual visitors like anacondas, scorpions, polar bears, godzillas, birds that can throw stones, bigfoot, and crocodiles...there is nothing to be worried about. There will be sufficient leaders in the camp to keep an eye on you...
Here's what some of the rangers in our church had to say regarding their survival camp experience...
Cmdr. Reuben : Survival camp has made me the MAN I am today!
Cmdr. Kenny : I learned how to kill my dinner and cook it, learn how to build a house (my shelter) and learn to how to make traps to catch little creatures....although the traps didn't actually catch anything...it worked pretty well on Shaun and Daniel....
Mark Law : Did you all know that a chicken can still fly without its head??? I swear I saw a chicken fly without its head!!!
Collin Chin : Those *$#!@#$ jungle birds....did you know that they can actually THROW stones???
Cmdr. Jeffrey Hui : Sap sap sui lar...this is nothing compared to the time when I was in the war...during my days in Vietnam and Iraq, things were so much harder to handle....etc...etc...
Now that you've heard what the leaders had to say...let's see what some of the rangers who have yet to go for a survival camp have to say:
Daniel Raj : This time around will be my second survival camp...just like my UPSR, I have to sit for this twice. The first time I went, those guys had to baby-sit me. They cooked dinner for me...they fed me...its was like...heaven. But worst of all, at night...when it was dark...I couldnt even see myself. And neither could they see me! Whenever I spoke to my friend...they kept on shouting hysterically "ORANG MINYAK, ORANG MINYAK"......why they call me Oil Man wan?
Andrew Yew : I cant wait to go! I was born for times like this. Bring it on!
Alison : Survival camp? Whats that?
Amy Tan : I will go if Phaik Joo goes...
Phaik Joo : I will go if Hui Lin goes...
Hui Lin : I will go if Amy goes...
Joshua Das : Hmmm....the trick to survival....always wear bright clothes! And smile a lot..showing lots of teeth and open your eyes big big!
Shaun : No worries wan. Very simple...the trick to surviving is to pretend to cry and behave like a little boy. And yuo must also act as though you're very scared. Then the commanders will pity you and will give you bun and milo packet to survive the night. Last time I did that...and it worked. But only problem is...I failed the camp. That's why I have to go for it again...just like Daniel...just like my UPSR also....haih....
Daniel Pua : I tell you arr....dont try to be funny ok?
So guys and girls...what are you waiting for! Sign up today for Survival Camp and get ready for a one night experience that will change your life forever!
Date : 25th-26th Nov 2005
Venue : Laman Bistari, KKB
Cost : RM20.00 only!!!
What to bring : Nothing!!! (even better!)
Here's the Q&A section that might be useful for those still blinking...*blink*blink*
Q: What is a survival camp?
A: Its a camp where we teach you how to survive a night in the jungle, without all the luxuries that life has to offer, train you to be a less complicated person, and teach you to be more resourceful and thankful for all that you've been blessed with in this life.
Q: What do I have to bring for this camp?
A: Firstly, yourself. Secondly, the will to survive. Third, patience...and lots of it. Fourth, a survival kit...Fifth, a never-say-die attitude.
Q: What will we do there during the camp?
A: Survive. You think its that easy? Haha...ask those who has been to a survival camp before this. You will have to make your own shelter using whatever nature has to offer. next, you will have to gather sufficient firewood to ensure that your fire will last through the night...this is vital as your dinner depends on it. :) You will also have to learn how to prepare your own dinner...this wont be as easy as you think...because your 'dinner' involves something that is alive, something that will run, and something that can fly...
Q: What can I NOT bring?
A: This is easy...do not bring your mattress, pillow, junkfood, playstation, TV, fridge, CD player, I-Pod, SPM books, football, snooker table, mum, dad, grandmas, grandpas, pets, uncles and aunties, your pet fish, computer, guitar, piano, keyboard, drums, saxaphone, burger stall....etc..etc...you get the picture.
Q: What do I have to do if I want to go?
A: First, get the permission form from either Cmdr. Reuben or Cmdr. Kenny, fill it up and get your parent's permission, and pass the form back to them by the 25th of Nov, together with RM20.
Q: It sounds like a really tough and difficult camp. Will I even enjoy it?
A: Trust me...NO ONE has ever regretted going for a survival camp. And NO ONE has ever said the camp was boring. The experience gained and survival camp stories will last a lifetime!
Q: Is it safe to go for it? Are there like lions and tigers roaming the forest? Sharks in the river?
A: There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of...except for the person you're staying with....who might irritate the life out of you! :) There is also a high chance that your shelter will collapse on you during the night, if not done properly. Apart from the usual visitors like anacondas, scorpions, polar bears, godzillas, birds that can throw stones, bigfoot, and crocodiles...there is nothing to be worried about. There will be sufficient leaders in the camp to keep an eye on you...
Here's what some of the rangers in our church had to say regarding their survival camp experience...
Cmdr. Reuben : Survival camp has made me the MAN I am today!
Cmdr. Kenny : I learned how to kill my dinner and cook it, learn how to build a house (my shelter) and learn to how to make traps to catch little creatures....although the traps didn't actually catch anything...it worked pretty well on Shaun and Daniel....
Mark Law : Did you all know that a chicken can still fly without its head??? I swear I saw a chicken fly without its head!!!
Collin Chin : Those *$#!@#$ jungle birds....did you know that they can actually THROW stones???
Cmdr. Jeffrey Hui : Sap sap sui lar...this is nothing compared to the time when I was in the war...during my days in Vietnam and Iraq, things were so much harder to handle....etc...etc...
Now that you've heard what the leaders had to say...let's see what some of the rangers who have yet to go for a survival camp have to say:
Daniel Raj : This time around will be my second survival camp...just like my UPSR, I have to sit for this twice. The first time I went, those guys had to baby-sit me. They cooked dinner for me...they fed me...its was like...heaven. But worst of all, at night...when it was dark...I couldnt even see myself. And neither could they see me! Whenever I spoke to my friend...they kept on shouting hysterically "ORANG MINYAK, ORANG MINYAK"......why they call me Oil Man wan?
Andrew Yew : I cant wait to go! I was born for times like this. Bring it on!
Alison : Survival camp? Whats that?
Amy Tan : I will go if Phaik Joo goes...
Phaik Joo : I will go if Hui Lin goes...
Hui Lin : I will go if Amy goes...
Joshua Das : Hmmm....the trick to survival....always wear bright clothes! And smile a lot..showing lots of teeth and open your eyes big big!
Shaun : No worries wan. Very simple...the trick to surviving is to pretend to cry and behave like a little boy. And yuo must also act as though you're very scared. Then the commanders will pity you and will give you bun and milo packet to survive the night. Last time I did that...and it worked. But only problem is...I failed the camp. That's why I have to go for it again...just like Daniel...just like my UPSR also....haih....
Daniel Pua : I tell you arr....dont try to be funny ok?
So guys and girls...what are you waiting for! Sign up today for Survival Camp and get ready for a one night experience that will change your life forever!
RR Sel#6 Leader's Retreat
The Boss
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Date: 1st-3rd Nov 05
Venue: Benum Hill Eco Resort, Raub Pahang
Cost: *undisclosed*
On the 1st to the 3rd of November 05, the RR leaders of Sel#6 organized its long-overdue leaders retreat. This time around, it was held in the beautiful hilly Benum eco-resort...and what a beautiful place it turned out to be! Lush, green, hills, rocky mountains, ponds filled with fishes and aquatic life (I was sure I saw a mermaid), breathtaking morning mist...everything you could ask for as a ranger!
After a healthy bak kut teh breakfast at Eng Ann, the 5 cars and 22 campers headed straight to Raub. Right from the start, the mood and atmosphere was fantastic, and this was a perfect start for what was to be a very relaxing and refreshing retreat. The drive took us almost two and a half hours to reach there. After literally driving through an oil palm estate for the last 15 mins, we finally reached the campsite. The resort basically popped out of nowhere! But what a beauty the place is...
From the pictures posted, one can tell that it was a superb trip! First group activity for the day was kayaking. The rules for kayaking were simple :
1) Do not try to to overturn your friend's kayak.
2) Do not use the oars as a weapon.
3) Always wear a life-jacket PROPERLY.
4) Do not try to fill up the other person's kayak with water.
5) Always remember that yours kayak is NOT a motorboat. It wasnt designed for racing!
So, with the rules all layed out before us...we're sad to say that we failed to follow every single rule! haha...at least we were consistent! Man...i tell you...when all the leaders got into their boats, its was total chaos! There was splashing...some were trying to overturn each other's boats...some even brought a scoop to fill up other people's kayaks with water. Some even resorted to using the oars as a weapon...using it to splash water and to redirect other kayaks! At the end, everyone got wet and it all ended with a smile.
Next up, fishing! Man, I tell you...you all should have seen cmdr Gideon in action! According to the legend, he's been deprived of fishing for almost 4 years. So he came for this retreat with a mission...to drain the pond of fishes and to fill his booth with talapias. You guys should see him in action. Some of his methods include talking to the fishes, and talking to himself. And not forgetting...checking out his hair in the reflection of the water most of the time! From the 2 days of fishing....here's the fishing results:
1) Cmdr. Gideon - 14 fishes, another 2 that got away, plus 1 labi labi!
2) Cmdr. Reuben - 4 fishes, and 1 that got away.
3) Alison - 1 fish...and sadly, that fish went missing. We suspect it was the fault of the local iguana that patrols the area.
This camp had it all...good food, a fantastic bbq, a nice cafeteria with astro that we were able to watch Champions League at 4am in the morning, nice comfy beds, and most of all...we had each other! just a word of advice...for all those who watch Animal Planet, please do practise caution when watching shows such as Crocodile Hunter which features a crazy Aussie who jumps onto crocs and chases after snakes. This kind of shows have a strange way of influencing youths to think that they too can become crocodile hunters! Ask cmdr Kenny about it...esp since he was the 'crocodile' underneath a pile of 'hunters', namely Zhi Fung, Daniel Pua, Julian, Wei Chuan, and Eric!
On the last morn, we has a short time of prayer and each leader was given a chance to share whats in his heart regarding the Rangers ministry. It was ecouraging to see every leader re-affirm their commitment to the ministry and dedicate their lives once again to God to be used to touch the lives of others around them, especially their rangers. After a time of prayer, we finally made our way back to Klang. We knew something special had happened in that camp. It was something that can't be explained, but was felt in our hearts.
Basically, we caught the vision... now its time to spread the flame
RR Sel #6 18th Anniversary!
The Boss
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There was a good vibe and a sense of excitement in the faces of every ranger that morning. The day began with a formal procession during morning worship service, led by Cmdr. Kenny and rangers from each age group. The Rangers Pledge was led by our outpost mascot, the 'oh-so-cute' ranger Lucas Chee, and the Christian pledge was recited by our very own ranger Michelle. Both of them clearly represented what our outpost is...fun-loving, vibrant, confident, and ready to take on the world!
Having lunch together as one big rangers family always gets me excited. Menu for the day...our good ol' Chicken Rice! Dont we just love it? And for the ranger Kids...a happy meal! Sausages, fried, nuggets...what a treat! You could even see how come of the commanders tried to get their hands on the happy meal...:) All in all, lunch was good and hearty!
The council of achievement...every ranger's moment. A time for recognition, sharing in their joy, feeling a sense of accomplishment. This time around, more than 70 rangers received their merits. 3 Adventure Rangers, ranger Kevin Wong, Jarrod Phuan, and Silas Sandra became the first in our church to receive the Bronze Medal. Congrats, lads! Almost 7 new leaders were installed and promoted to Outpost, Lieutenant and Junior Commanders. They all received their leader's charge and were presented with their leader's bar, signalling their commitment and dedication to the Royal Rangers ministry and to the development of the lives of the rangers.
At the end of the day, it was a good time to reflect on God's faithfulness and goodness throughout the year. 18 years ago, I can still remember coming to Rangers, in the old wodden building of our church, listening to our first Buckaroo commander Desmond teaching us the Royal Rangers pledge, playing the guitar and leading us in songs and games, making us feel like we were in the 'Wild wild west'...it wasn't in vain. 18 years down the road, many of us here stand as a testament and the fruit of their labours...
Do have a look the anniversary photos posted in this blog. Feel free to comment!
God bless you 'al...

Tuesday, November 15, 2005
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