Royal Rangers Selangor #6

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Welcome to 2008, honey!

Greetings Rangers and friends!

From all of us in the RR blog team, we'd like to wish all our faithful readers, contributors, photographers and friends a very Happy New year! May all your hopes, dreams and aspirations for 2008 come true...and may you also grow fat and stay happy all year long! There's nothing more fun than stuffing yourselves with good food all year long and watching your waistline expand right before your eyes! :)

Looking forward to another fantastic year ahead with loads of stories, dramas, and adventure to share with all of you out there! Keep the faith, and never ever let the fire die...For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. All else is folly...

God bless and have a smashing week ahead...*The RR blog team is wayyyyyyy cuter than any of the characters in the above pic...*

RR RESUMES THIS SUNDAY!!! Wooooo Hoooooooooooo!! Come cladded in your uniform, and get those medals shined and polished, honey...its gonna be a good one!
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