Royal Rangers Selangor #6

Friday, May 18, 2007

For The Man, Made By The Man...

Hello friends...

Yes, its the crunch time of the year...exams, work piling up, college classes, assignments...its just never ending! But thank God its the weekends, babyyyy!! Wooo hoo!! Dont we ALL love weekends???

Well friends, today we're gonna take a trip down memory lane...and our journey back into time takes us all the way back to 1966...yes, the glorious sixties...The days of Elvis...but hey, just to let you know, way back in May 18 1966, exactly 41 years ago...the man was born. And 41 years down the road, this man is STILL growing! Yes, this post is specially dedicated to our ever young Cmdr Jeffrey Lim! Dont let his young looks kid you...he's passed the 4o mark and now looking forward to senior citizen status! Haha...

Well...if you asked me to describe Cmdr. Jeffrey in one line...I guess it would be, "He's my commander, and will always be!" I guess that pretty much sums up what he's been to many of us. He's been our leader, our mentor and in many ways...he's been more than a friend to us. Seems like he's been our commander for all our lives, eh? Well...its been almost 2o years of involvement in RR and what he's sowed into many of our lives through this ministry is priceless. Truly, many of us can say that he's been the foundation and pillar of strength for this ministry in our church over the years and it has not been in vain.

Just in case you're wondering...he's the guy with the white headscarf!

And so, from the bottom of our hearts, we'd like to wish you a very Happy Birthday and may God continue to give you many many more candles on your cake! God bless...
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