Royal Rangers Selangor #6

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Hunt for Gold...

Good day, rangers and friends!

Well, its been an interesting weekend for us all eh? Bet you school kids are going crazy and hyper now that you're on a week-long hols! I seriously cant understand...didn't you guys like have school holidays not too long ago??? Jealous la wei...anyway, make sure to put in those hours of studying and just a pinch of fun & games ok? ain't ALL about fun & games! :)

Anyway, I'm feeling a lil' bit like Garfield this morning...havin' the monday blues (partly thanks to my beloved football team who only managed a draw in the opening match of the EPL!). Let's hope for better days ahead...Just to share with you what's coming up this week:

23rd August 2008 - RR Selangor #6 Best Ranger Testing

From the E-Rangers, a total of 4 rangers have been selected for testing, and they are: Su Vien, Lee Yee, Daniel Ng and James Lee! *clap*clap* Well done for being selected for your fine and examplary display throughout the year in RR. We'll be cheering you on, yea? All the best! Make us and your mama proud...

And oh...just a lil' bit of interesting news for you...over the weekend, we had a GMA interview for 2 of our outstanding rangers who have worked hard all their ranger-lives to get this far. They met up with the National RR staff in Grace PJ last Saturday for their interview session, and they did pretty well, in my opinion. So ladies and gentlemen, it is my honour to present you with our two latest GMA receipients-to-be...

Jr. Cmdr William Ong! Clap clap...he's a man of many hidden talents! He kicks and fights over the weekend, then spends his time on the piano...and then come to church on Sunday to give the devil another round of holy-bashing! Well done, bro...

Up next...another one for the Chin's!! Yeap, this time its Kevin Chin Ken Dean! A ranger-boy all his life, its about time he got himself that coveted GMA!! And now, you can go and rub salt into Kenny's wounds...haha! Just kidding...

Ahh...lovely boys, aren't they? :) Well done once again, and congratulations on your outstanding achievements in the RR ministry!

Do keep a lookout for more news and spills from the medals and achievements scene yea? Its going to be hot and gempak this time around! RR Anniversary is coming soon also...oh my goodness! Time really does fly!!

And oh...before I forget...a very Happy Birthday to our dearest and favourite Cmdr. Andy Gan who turned 25 yesterday! Hoooray! I'm sure he's had quite a few 'surprise' birthday parties over the past couple of days...the cell group had one for him, and yesterday the RR commanders showed him some physical love too! :) Man, its been a while since we gave our leaders a really good birthday whack eh? God bless bro!

Here's Cmdr. Andy during his graduation from Kindergarten...when he was 5 or 6, I guess! Soooo cute rite??? Well, now also still cute. He's grown to be a man who run's after God's heart...keep on running, bro! And ladies, he's very much single and available...and on the hunt, from what I heard! :)

Well, its been a weekend of history-making in the Olympics and record-breaking feats by some amazing athletes! Will never forget the way the 'Lightning Bolt' from Jamaica ran the 100m men's finals. If you missed it...go youtube it! I dont think you're ever gonna' see another race as awesome as that! That dude actually started celebrating even before he reached the finishing line...and mind you, we're talking about the 100m finals! The entire race only lasts about 10 sec and Usain Bolt had the cheek to run the way he did...steady la! Better quickly test him for steroids...:)

And to all Malaysian's who were hoping for a national holiday if Lee Chong Wei had won last night's encounter, stop dreaming and get back to work! We're proud of his achievements, but maybe this was one big ask of him. Nevertheless, look at the good side...he's earned himself RM300,000 for his efforts! Imagine spending RM300,000 on nasi lemak!!! Wooo hoooo!!!

On this monday morning, I've got a special message dedication for Kevin Chin, William Ong, Andy, Usain Bolt, Lee Chong Wei...and my man, Michael Phelps...brought to you by Mr. Shannon Noll...

"This is the time
This is the day
That we've been waiting for
All the world will stop to watch you shine..."

Ok...time for me to get back to think my company pays me to write blog ar??? :)

God bless!
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