Royal Rangers Selangor #6

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Gua Tempurung - The Adventure...

Over the past few days, many things have been said about me...for example, some ppl think that I actually sleep with my computer, some ppl have said that I live in the 'online' world...haih...but anyway, I bet you guys out there are dying to see the pics taken during our Gua Tempurung cave adventure on May 1st 06. Well, what an amazing trip...

The story starts off in the wee hours of the morning...a total of 23 sleepy faces arrived in church at 7.00am in the morning. Yup, 7am! Man, I'm tellin you...even I dont wake up that early for work! Anyway, we were sleepy...but yet excited deep in our hearts...and stomach. Hugry also mar...So as a usual customary tradition, the adventure started off with a good breakfast. Dunno wats the name of the place...the restaurant next to CCM mamak? The one that looks like a Christmas tree...yes, that one. As usual lar...instead of only eating breakfast, some rangers decided to eat lunch and dinner one shot! But who can blame them...cauz the next time that we actually stopped for a meal was at 8.30pm at night!

After makan...we started our journey in 2 van. As usual lar...after eating heavy breakfast, most of them resorted to sleeping...or cracking lame jokes...and some even decided to make noise for the sake of making noise...and oh, to keep the drivers awake too! The drive took us almost 2 hours to reach Gopeng. Nothing eventful happened along the way...just the usual noise-making, taruh-ing Kevin Wrong...which at times became a bit mundane...cauz it happens once too often. Once we reached the was AWESOME! The first sight was silence by the rangers...a miracle by itself....

And you know what happened next? Haha...I'll let the photos do the story-telling.....

The early birds...together with the walrus flapping his arms...:)

Lisa and her morning 'dont mess with me' kinda look...

In the van...just before beginning the journey...

Your driver and the co-driver...

We found this dude wandering the streets of Klang...we should have left him there!

Man...lotsa stuff hapenning in the back seat...esp when Jayson's got that 'smile'...

Guess who...

Happy Wesak day, fellas...

Here's how the surrounding area of the cave looks like...

More scenic pics of the place...

Group pic of those that 'made' it...this is the 'BEFORE' shot.

Notice the vapour and mist in the cave? Awesome...

The cavers lookin' out for Osama's face among the rock formation...

At the crossroads between light and total darkness....

Our Fitness First model together with the irresistable Ameer Joshua...

Our friend's a bit camera shy these days...hey hey, check out the Invisible Man next to them...

For those of you wonderin' who's that...that's Amy doin her toilet thingie...

After one hour, finally....WATER!!! Man...rangers go crazy when they see a river or a chance to get themselves wet! Reason why? Cauz apparently the guys have got this sexy wet look about themselves...

Its lovely to see sunlight and greenery after hours in the dark...the sight at the end of the tunnel was truly amazing...

Just when we thought it was over...we headed back in the cave for another 3 hours!

Datuk rocker & Nenek rugged!

Andy...smooth as always...flanked by 2 beauties...

The Adam's Family in RR...Andy (father), Amy & Lisa (daughters)...and Eric (the mum?)


The area known as The Squeeze...

"Wahlaueh...sure can fit meh?"

Hey guys...remember the wall slide I was talkin to you about? ....Oh man....

Wanna know whats it like? Try sliding down from the roof of your house! Check out Kyleen in action!

Rangers who made it down the slide havin' a breather...not knowing the 'danger' that came sliding down wall behind them...

"Take cover!! Incoming!!!"

Alar..cheh. Small bomb nia...

Eh guys...the time now is 5.48am. I think that's all for Gua Tempurung adventure Part 1. My own gua also needs to sleep. Trust me, the adventure didnt end here. What happened next is even more amazing....but I guess I'll leave that to Part 2. We'll continue this tmw when my brain's a lil' bit more awake. Do keep a lookout for the conclusion to this amazing story...a journey through time and natural beauty in all its splendour.....

Gua Tempurung Adventure '06!

God bless! Goodnight world...

p/s: Congrats to all the Arsenal fans out there...

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sweetness!! love the pics!! made me homesick!!! argh!! take me home to my gua!!!