Well friends...its been such an amazing month for me, that I almost forgot about you guys over here in the blog! So hey, I'm guessing its about time for a new blog post and to get things going...Looking ahead into Feb, CNY's coming pretty soon eh? Man...best time for the year to stock up the $$$ and to dress-up looking like a prosperity angpau or perhaps even try looking like a lion/dragon, or the dude that wears this pot on his head and plays with the fan, dancing around with the lion dance troop...
Looking back at the month of January...hmm, its been one real emotional roller-coaster for some of us. Friends coming home...friends leaving us...but hey, I'm trusting God for another fantastic month ahead for all of us! Like I mentioned before, its been a refreshing start of the year for all of us, and let's keep the momentum goin and continue to arise and shine for Him in 2008!
Today's post is specially dedicated to our special bunch of whammy-bammy, guitar-rocking, head-bangin', whacko-jacko January babies! From all of us in Selangor #6, we'd like to take this opportunity to officially wish each of you a very Happy Belated Birthday! Better late than never, I reckon...:) And so, enjoy watching your faces appear in this post...and we hope that each of you had a good birthday back then in Jan 2008....haha!
Cmdr. Simon Kong - 7th Jan!
A natural jungleboy, outdoor-loving ranger boy who has risen to the occassion and has now taken the next step to be a commander, always wanting to serve in His kingdom and be a blessing to the rangers under his care. Many will look up to you in the coming years, bro. Continue to lead them in His footsteps...God bless, S-Kong!
Cmdr. Cheryl Lim - 9th Jan!
Another one of my favourite and interesting friend that I have...Hmm, this lady never fails to make you smile, especially with her contagious and downright crazy way of laughing...and not forgetting her occassional good jokes (most of the time she tends to tell you lame jokes, but we still laugh anyway to encourage her). Want some free stuff from Seed? Now's the time...:)
Another one of my favourite and interesting friend that I have...Hmm, this lady never fails to make you smile, especially with her contagious and downright crazy way of laughing...and not forgetting her occassional good jokes (most of the time she tends to tell you lame jokes, but we still laugh anyway to encourage her). Want some free stuff from Seed? Now's the time...:)
Cmdr. Benjamin Yee - 18th Jan!
Here's another dude, born and custom-made for the outdoors! Given the choice, he'd rather sleep in a tent outside his own house and shower in the rain! Not your typical everyday Joe...but rather a man craving for the outdoor adventures and always looking for the next chicken to slaughter, next mountain to conquer, next rock to climb...stay close people, we've got our own Spielberg in the making! Keep up the good work, bro! Looking out for your very own full-length movie....
Here's another dude, born and custom-made for the outdoors! Given the choice, he'd rather sleep in a tent outside his own house and shower in the rain! Not your typical everyday Joe...but rather a man craving for the outdoor adventures and always looking for the next chicken to slaughter, next mountain to conquer, next rock to climb...stay close people, we've got our own Spielberg in the making! Keep up the good work, bro! Looking out for your very own full-length movie....

Cmdr. Collin Chin - 22nd Jan!
Woohooo! The biggest 1982 baby in my generation ever!! He's been eating ever since birth, and has never stopped since. He's been my close buddy, a faithful friend, and truly someone you can count on in times of need. The most natural comedian and drama-king in Klang, its been an amazing load of fun ever since he made his way over from Labuan to the glorious shores of Klang! Never fails to impress and has a natural talent in bringing out the rainbow in your on a gloomy day. Truly, a friend that sticks closer than a brother...stay gorgeously-puffed, bro! :)
Woohooo! The biggest 1982 baby in my generation ever!! He's been eating ever since birth, and has never stopped since. He's been my close buddy, a faithful friend, and truly someone you can count on in times of need. The most natural comedian and drama-king in Klang, its been an amazing load of fun ever since he made his way over from Labuan to the glorious shores of Klang! Never fails to impress and has a natural talent in bringing out the rainbow in your on a gloomy day. Truly, a friend that sticks closer than a brother...stay gorgeously-puffed, bro! :)

Cmdr. Andrew Yew - 28th Jan!
Ah hah! Another one that came through the ranks...from a ranger to being a full-fledged commander in the making! Faithfulness is his main character...an attribute worthy of mention and much sought after these days. Always willing to serve and looking forward to greater challenges ahead...God bless in all you do, bro!
Ah hah! Another one that came through the ranks...from a ranger to being a full-fledged commander in the making! Faithfulness is his main character...an attribute worthy of mention and much sought after these days. Always willing to serve and looking forward to greater challenges ahead...God bless in all you do, bro!

My Aussie mate! From Kapar to Melbourne...the legend lives on! Our very own GMA holder, faithful and close buddy since our time back then in Children's Church...its been almost 6 years now ever since the day he left for Australia. Has no direct relationship to Collin Chin or Botak Chin...he's a man ready to write his own legend and walk the path prepared for him. A true ranger-man, has always loved this ministry and will always be a part of RR no matter which part of the world he's at. We're still waiting for your return, bro...:) Good to see you in a uniform after many many donkey years!
Hey hey...since we're in the birthday celebration mode, I thought I'd throw in a special bonus for you all...yeap, we're moving in to February! And to kickstart things, here's Cmdr. Kevin Chin...the 1st baby in Feb! Our Best Ranger for the year 2006, he's carried himself well throughout the years and is looking good for many, many more years to come. Aims to do well and excel in everything he does, just like his brothers...*pressure wei* Had a little not-so-surprise party for him last night, and we hope you had a great time celebrating your 18th bday! God bless...

Ok la kawan-kawan sekalian...its time for me to zzzz. Gotta be in church pretty soon, another day of coming together and worshipping in His house! Once again, Happy Birthday to all our Jan-baby commanders, and we look forward to see how big you'll continue to grow throughout the year! I'm outta' here.....weeeha! Zzzzz....
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