Cmdr. Reuben and Ben 'Shalin Zulkifli' Yee during dinner...this fella can really bowl wei...
Ahhh...our ladies for the night: Lee Yee, Sheila, SV and Grace...
Cmdr. William in agony...poor dude had a sprained ankle and suffered all night long trying to bowl!
See laa...this is what happens when you trust your friends to do something like key in your name into the system...where is the love la, ppl!?
Here's Cmdr. Zhi Fung getting himself ready for the shot-put competition...just look at Cmdr. Kenny in the background playing around!
Men and balls...dont know why, but they always get so fascinated with round objects!
And off he goes...ball is released...and guess what happens?
And its a 5!! How pathetic??? That's what I call a bad start to the night...should just stick to futsal la...
Here's Cmdr. Kenny bowling in light speed...absolutely love this shot! Looks like he's travelling at 100 mph...but its more like 2 mph! If not mistaken, Cmdr. Kenny has a very strong affection for the longkang...:)
Cmdr. Zhi Fung with Dan Raj, looking on from the stands...oh btw, today is Daniel Raj's birthday...and he's currently into pictionary. He actually abandoned the guys to go play Pictionary...*sad*
Here's Su Vien looking weird with that face of hers...thank God for least she made this pic look much nicer! Hahahaaa....
Half-group pic of the bowlers for the night...we had an absolutely fun time together as one big age group!
If only we had one big nice bowling ball to knock down all these pins...haha! Thanks for a wonderful time together, boys and girls! Looking forward to the next outing together....keep a lookout for the paintball shootout and kayaking trip! Fun fun fun!!
All in all, it was a night for many longkang shots, many almost-kena shots, strikeouts, goal posts shots, OLE shots, reverse shots too...wanna know whats a reverse shot? Ask Lup Yan...just as he was about to release the ball, when he swung his hand backwards, the ball accidently slipped from his hands and rolled back to those sitting behind...:) Btw, I wont reveal the actual score...some things are better left forgotten...haha! But needless to say, the Non-ER cmdrs & friends won quite comfortably this time around. That's're not invited anymore! hahaa...make us look bad only! :) Just to let you know, we'll be posting up the entire photos soon. Keep a lookout for a special photo treat for all of you!
Ok mates...that's all for now! Its now 12.37am...Happy Father's Day to all our beloved dads and fathers-to-be! Remember friends...all we have is this one life and one earthly father. Make the best of the time we have, cherish the moments, and never forget to show our appreciation for all that our dad has done. God bless!
Will post up the special Father's Day video in the upcoming Father's Day post...
That's a wrap, friends. Good night and God bless...heal the world, make it a better place!
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