Good day friends & VICTORIOUS Man Utd fans...
After much travelling and suffering a massive hangover after celebrating Man Utd's triumph over Chelsea in the CL Final in Moscow, its about time I got back home and updated you guys on what's been happening and what's GOING to happen. Now that sounds like fun eh? To all the Chelsea fans out there in Malaysia (if not mistaken, there's only about a handful of them...), accept the fact that it was Manchester United's destiny to win the trophy this year...ahhh, just love saying that word 'Destiny'...Many thanks to the slick pitch in the Luzhniki Stadium for opening up the earth, thus enabling and allowing John Terry to be the only one to slip and fall at the crucial moment. *smirk*
Oh yess...apart from that victorious moment, we all want to congratulate all the people who got water baptised almost 2 weeks ago during Sunday service! Congrats yea? Now you're a full-fledged, Spirit-filled, pentecostal, anointed Saint of God! :) My apologies for not being able to name all 26 of them (if I can only find that list!). It was truly a memorable day for all of them...being able to publicly declare their faith in God and share a short testimony of how this decision came about to the entire church. For those of you who want to be baptised in a more dramatic atmosphere, we'll prepare a spot along Klang river one day yea? It kinda' has the same look and feel of being baptised in the Jordan river...:)

Here's the 26 candidates lined up on stage to share their testimony. For some, it was a looooong wait to the end. Haha...
And the last kid on the block was none other than Trisha Ching! she lost wait just by standing and waiting for her turn. Here she is being baptised in that ever so memorable baptism pool of ours...Brings back good memories...I feel like crying...*sob* And yes, she also received all the blessing of the previous 25 ppl that were baptised. I'm sure they gave the water enough flavour and colour before she finally took a dip in it! Hahaha....
Oh yes...first it was about baptism, next is about ppl getting older! A very Happy Birthday to Cmdr. Jeff who celebrated his ??th birthday on the 18th of May 2008! This is one person that I will always address as 'my commander'...

And a week later, it was time for Lisa Lee to get into the act. Monkey see, monkey do. :) Happy Birthday to you too, Ms. Huei Lin! She turned sweet 18 last Sat...

And fresh out of the's our die-hard ranger Sherlyn, who celebrated her 18th birthday also exactly two days ago!! Woohooo...she's still new to being 18, so we'll give her some time to get used to it yea? Haha...God bless, gal!
So friends...tell me, what's been happening? What's the latest news in town? Here's a few things that I heard....
i. Daniel Seliong broke his bed (not sure what was he doing at that moment...). Do you wanna know what time is it when this happens? Its TIME to GET a NEW BED!
ii. Shaun Lim is soooooooo bored that he actually studies hard these days!! Can you believe that? What happened to the fun and adventure of being in NZ, bro?
iii. Futsal in Real Sports is OFF this Sunday as most of the happening players wont be around...:)
iv. Heard that there's this really cool place that serves superb Pork Chop...its called Wendy's Bistro. Kenneth Ng has been advertising for it feverishly on his MSN...looking for kaki makan. Those interested, just give him a buzz yea?
v. Expedition Rangers, please take note that we'll be going for Bowling on the 7th of June at Sunway Pyramid around dinner time. Do join us for a fun-filled night as we celebrate your going-back-to-school...hahaha!
vi. And yes, the best news of all is....CHURCH CAMP IS ONLY 2 DAYS AWAY!!! Wooooohoooooooo!!!
So friends, dont forget to pack in your goggles, lappies, foootie shoes, bible, trunks, etc etc etc...and everything else that you need to have a fun & fantastically-crazy time together with your fellow friends and rangers in Church Camp 2008! Its time to wake up the sleepy town of Taiping, friends! And also, a time for some family re-union...those interested in going to Taiping Zoo, its only RM5! As though we dont have enough monkeys around....:)
Enjoy your hols while it lasts, friends...cauz then its time for the second leg of the year, which is always the most crucial part...and then its over to extra time and penalties! Let's hope each of you have a better season that Chelsea (and Liverpool & Spurs & Everton...). Continue to live strong and stay Saved! God bless!
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