Royal Rangers Selangor #6

Monday, July 28, 2008

Photos To Make You Smile...

Hey friends!

As wonderful as the night may be, I hope that as we go along the week, each day will bring you reasons to smile, and that you will have joy in abundance to share with those around you! Was just browsing through my mobile phone and I found a couple of pics that made me smile...have fun looking at them! :)

Here's James having the time of his life walking around church blindfolded, as part of our Disability Awareness merit activity. His mission was to walk up to MPR1 and come back down safely to MPH1. Guess he got lost along the way, eh? :)

Yeap, he's the blind mice marching bandwagon! Imagine the entire ER group walking around blindfolded, navigating using touch, sound and smell! :) Boy, we certainly had loads of fun! Ask Kelly Yap about her story eh...

ER in action during RR Cookarama! Su Vien was soooo hungry that she practically wanted to eat the nuggets RAW! Thank God for friends like Kelly and Lee Yee who stopped her just in time!

Iceberg Patrol in action! Here's Leonard, Peter, Daniel, Dorothy and James...

And of course...this was taken during YA! cycling trip to Bkt Cahaya last Saturday. Here's Franz showing some love to Matthew...awww, ain't he cute??

Good night friends! Long live the King...

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