Royal Rangers Selangor #6

Friday, September 05, 2014

Adventure Rangers Campout

Howdy rangers!

Guess what, Selangor #6 is going to have our very own Adventure Rangers Campout in 8 days time! If you're aged 12 to 15 then this is for you! Don't forget to bring along your friends as well. We'll be completing requirements for your camping merit, learning how to cook, playing games and simply chilling out with one another. What other way to kick start the school holidays than having fun with all your super awesome commanders *amen!* and ranger friends!

So what are you waiting for! Grab a form from any of the Adventure Rangers commander if you don't already have one and get ready for 3 days and 2 nights of relentless fun!

Be there or be squareddddd
See ya!
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