Royal Rangers Selangor #6

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

NTC Tales...A Cougar's Story!

Hi all,

As for me, NTC reminded me of the fun I had when I was in Rangers as a ranger boy. It was a long long time ago, when I last worked as a patrol to do up our patrol standard,our song and yell, delegates job to set up our campside, cook and etc. Just to be the best patrol, we put aside differences and worked as a team, contribute our best towardsour patrol. To be a good patrol, I believe only can happen when all the members start to think of what he or she can contribute to the patrol not what the other person should contribute.

Cmdr. Andy (3rd from left) together with the rest of the Cool Cougar Patrol!
From left: Jeffrey Lam, Jeff Yee, Andy Gan, Stephen Ponniah, Hansel Wong, Peter Chin and Simon.

Through-out the camp God spoke to me asking me to just imagine the church in the form of a good Royal Rangers patrol. It will be so cool if all of us as christians have a patrol standard, a song, a yell and work together to build God's house according to our ability. Everywhere we go we will be proud being part of this patrol and we constantly improve our house, our standard,our song and yell. I believe this is the experience we need in the church.

As a commander I now see the need to instill these qualities in my boys. I hope to see that through Royal Rangers they will learn to take the ownership of being a christian. They will learn to first be a follower, then a leader and also a team player. Thats all from me. Thanks!

Cmdr. Andy Gan
Cool Cougar Patrol


Dear Cmdrs,

What do you get when you put a 50-year old through NTC? Save for backaches from sleeping on the hard ground and having to "butt-walk" at the special Council of Fire, not too bad really. I had my apprehensions about going for the camp because I would probably feel out of place. Anyway, Cmdr Reuben and Bro. Michael Tan convinced me to go. I am glad that I did and earned my first RR badge - the NTC. Yup and with the beret it make me one real "cool cougar".

Andy Gan and Stephen P. joined me in the Cool Cougar Patrol. Other members were Peter Chin, Simon Khaw, Hansel Wong and Jeffrey Lam. Although, we were the "older" patrol but that turned out to be one of our strengths. After clearing our first day disorientation, we began to get adjusted as members of a patrol. Some tensions are very normal amongst new patrol members but as we began to focus on the purposes of NTC we began to utilize our strengths and skills. By the second day, we already have our chippowa kitchen and table with most of the other gadgets. Before the last camp check, we added hat stand, cup stand, food and drink rack, clothes line, not to mention forks and spoon racks and salt and sugar tray to go with it. We were the most vocal "Cool Cougar. Ice Cold" patrol and were the most punctual for all meetings. Not bad for this "older" patrol.

Cool Cougar patrol getting into their groove during the song & yell presentation at the morning parade!

What impressed upon my heart during NTC was to see the huge amount of talents that God had placed on all the young people. When I looked up at the hills, I see layers of tree lines pushing upward like talents growing towards God. I felt that what God wanted was the talents that He has placed within the young people to be nurtured and developed.

We will lose all these God given talents if the young rangers were not properly "disciple". This responsibility rest on the shoulders of every commander to bring up every ranger as God placed them in our care. I believed that I have gained a deeper insight into the RR ministry.

Well. I already looking forward to the next ANTC, NTT....Post-NTC, sleep and more sleep.

God bless,

Councilmen Jeff Yee
Cool Cougar Patrol

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