Royal Rangers Selangor #6

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

RR Selangor #6 21st Anniversary 2008!

Greetings friends of Ranger-land, Boleh-land and Cyber-land!

Now that the Raya hols and holiday mood is slowly fading away...I reckon its about time I posted up the 21st Anniversary story before the 22nd Anniversary comes along! Haha...hope that each one of you had a good, long relaxing holiday...just like the 24 of us who had a completely relaxing time in NTC! YEA RITEEE! :)

Just to rewind the clock and take you back in time...on the 21st of September, RR Selangor #6 celebrated yet another milestone in its long and colourful history, by celebrating our 21st RR Anniversary! Even though we scaled down this year's celebration due to the current economic and political situation in Malaysia, it was still a memorable and fantastic anniversary celebration! Truly...RR style!

To not make this post tooooo long, I've decided to break it up into 4 parts, namely:

i. RR Anniversary report
ii. Cookarama Winner's post
iii. Best Ranger of the Year's post
iv. GMA ceremony post
v. Keluarga Gila-gila post...

So hopefully I'll be able to keep you entertained with all these blog stories over the next week, with daily updates I hope! Have a good day ahead, and do enjoy the pics and commentary from my side!

Here's our emcee for the day, Cmdr. Andy getting the show started...

Everyone, from the tiny ranger kids up to the ER, Cmdrs and parents were excited and anticipating a good time! You could feel the 'electricity' in the air...:)

Here's Cmdr. William Ong leading the congregation in the RR Pledge...

And here's his 'half brother' Cmdr. Kevin Chin leading the group in the Christian Pledge...

Yes...I wonder what's he up to...perhaps it was during the Negaraku singing...:)

And after that things moved on to a time of song-singing, led by Cmdr. Eric Teh. He certainly got the crowd moving about and greeting one another!'s the man leading the group in some back-breaking action song! Even though Cmdr. Eric looks like an old man most of the time, he's still got the zest and energy like a Ranger Kid!

And Cmdr. Kenny does what he does best with the guitar...

Check this out man...the entire Outpost Council getting jiggy with it! Thank God there was no medical complications once the song was over...definitely a good workout for them eh?

Outpost Councilman Tan Kang Hoe delivering the opening speech...

Here's Cmdr. Jeff together with Cmdr. Laura and Cmdr. Alison...

Dont we all love to see Kelly smile...???

And look what Brandon Yee is up to, doing his goldfish-pouted-lips pose? Did he get that from Su Vien, I wonder...

And then it was finally time for the moment that all the rangers were waiting for...the Council of Achievement! We got things started off with the Ranger Kids and invited Councilmen Jeff Yee to present the awards to these little cuties...

My apologies as I'm not able to post the pic of every ranger receiving their merits. However, you can still check out our RR photo gallery for all the pics yea?

And for the Discovery Ranger girls, we had the honour of inviting Cmdr. Theresa Chin to present the merits. Here's ranger Celeste Tan up on stage.

And here's our firecracker ranger Pei Yan receiving her merits...

Up next, it was the Discovery Boy's turn...and up on stage to present the awards, we have Councilmen Tan Kang Hoe! And here we see ranger Hans Willard receiving his award...cute little ang moh fella! :)

Another of the crowd favourite....ranger Simon Yap!

After a short break for the Cookarama winner's prize presentation (which will be posted up separately yea), we then proceeded with Part 2 of the COA, starting off with the Adventure Girls! Here's ranger Denyse Chan receiving her awards from Councilmen Robert Chan.

Ranger Trisha Ch'ng on stage....a true fan of long beans! :) She could be the next Yao Ming, I reckon if she keeps this up...

Here's Ranger Lucas Chee from the Adventure Boys, receiving his merits from Sr. Cmdr Reuben Ponniah. Another one of our outpost all-time-favourite ranger!

And yes...another interesting character from the group...ranger Matthias Tan, giving us his rendition of a full-hearted salute. Well done, bro! He's also probably the youngest in the group to earn the First Aid - CPR award.

Moving on to the oldest bunch of rangers...the ERs! We had Cmdr. Jeffrey to present us with the awards this round...and here we see ranger David Wong! I'm sure we all know what to expect once he's up on stage rite? HUGGGGGG!!! :)

Ranger James Lee...potential GMA achiever one day, for sure (hopefully/God-willing)! :)

The superstar singer-to-be, ranger Kelly Yap!

Ranger Low Lee Yee on stage to receive her BMA and merits! Well done, Lee Yee! SPM year, but she still managed to juggle her time well and get things done!

As for the Commander's awards, we had our Outpost Chaplain Cmdr. Pastor Dato Dr. Gideon Lee to hand out the's Cmdr. Ben Yee up first!

Say it together with me, friends....Chan Chiew HOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Thank you.

Our National Supplies man...Cmdr. Eric Teh! Receiving his Outpost Commander's Award! Well done lad. Queen E and Great Britain salutes you this day! God save the queen!

Once the COA was finally over, it was time for some spiritual input, shared by Councilmen Jeff Yee.

And then it was time for the Best Ranger of The Year award presentation, and here we have Sr Cmdr Reuben to announce the winners...but I guess you'll have to wait for a separate blog post for this also k? :)
I think the medallion looks lovely, dont you think? This is the first time we're giving out this sort of gifts to the winners! Imported all the way from the US! :) Really good stuff for the winners...including a trophy, nametag and a Swiss Army Knife!

Dont you think that's an awesome looking anniversary cake?? The design in the center is also the design for our new RR bolo tie pin. Hope each of you received one as a souveneir yea?

Haha...looks like Cmdr. Gideon is celebrating his 21st bday! :) Here's the scene during the cake cutting ceremony. Happy times, for sure!

Family photo of the leaders, Commanders and Outpost Council of RR Selangor #6! Well done to each one of you for the hard work put in throughout the year...we pray that even as you continue to serve His people, that God's continuous hand of guidance and blessing will be upon your lives.

Well friends...there you have it. Another year gone by, another year of His faithfulness in the RR ministry, and another year of impacting lives for His kingdom. Its been a joy and an honour to be a part of this ministry, serving alongside dedicated and committed leaders who have a desire to see lives being transformed and who are willing to walk the extra mile. Not for personal gain or glory, but all for His glory and His name. Because that's the only thing worth living for in this life...the name of Jesus.

In all that you do, continue to live a life that will make the name of Jesus known to all mankind. There's lots to be done, the task ahead of us is great. But together, we'll move forward and make the difference.

Keep a lookout for the upcoming blog updates and more Anniversary stories. Lots of good stuff in store...once again, my apologies for not being able to post every pic of the rangers. However, you can view all the pics if you follow the link below. Many thanks to Cmdr. Kenny, Daniel and Sheila for the RR anniversary pics. Good job, friends!

Also, many thanks to all the commanders, Councilmen and friends who have chipped in and done their part to make this RR Anniversary a resounding success and one worth remembering for a long long time. God bless!

RR Selangor #6 - Changing The World, One Child At A Time...

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